Things have slowed considerably since last weeks hot spell. Not much in the way of nectar producing flowers out there, and the bees have slowed in their gathering skills. Last week they were coming back to the hive ten at a time, never ending, this week they are just dribbling back. Still excited tho as when they hit the landing platform they race inside and up the walls to store what they have. I expect that they will go into reverse within the next week and start to consume what they have stored to date. The upper box is full, so I think they will be fine. The work on the comb has slowed also, three half done. No nectar, no wax. The hive will go into slow down brood wise until the fall goldenrod and Astor bloom. Hope they get the second box done by fall. Hate to have to feed them. Rain is on the way they say so maybe that will perc things up some. Later
Thanks Pete, for the pollen patties, I will put them to good use. It was a pleasure meet you and your bee' Hoping we'll get to meet again, at the meet up Group!